5 best seeds for finding dark oak forests in Minecraft

Publish date: 2024-06-16

The Dark Oak Forest is one of the best biomes in Minecraft. It is home to one of the rarest and most valuable generated structures in the game and has some of the best trees growing there. Dark oak is beautiful wood that many gamers love to build with. The only issue is that it's fairly rare and difficult to come by.

One way to alleviate this issue is by using a seed. Seeds are attached to a certain world generation, so if the world generates positively to something (a village, jungle temple or other structure), then that seed usually gets shared and reused.

Dark oak forests are not as uncommon as other things that players use seeds for, but they're still worth looking at. Here are a few seeds that will help.

Dark oak forest seeds to try in Minecraft

5) Seed: 6025

Monster spawner (Image via Minecraft Wiki)

This seed will spawn players right in a sprawling Dark Oak Forest. Mushroom trees and dark oak trees are aplenty here. There's even a cool floating rock structure nearby that could be fun to build with. The bonus is that this seed has a dungeon with a zombie spawner almost directly below spawn at coordinates: (10,-40,79).

4) Seed: 12345

An example of sheer cliffs (Image via u/Matt_o_lantern on Reddit)

This rather simple seed here has a tremendous world attached to it. Crafters will spawn in a dark oak forest that is surrounded by mountains. It's one of the most unique spawns for a seed and it also has sheer cliffs that drop down into the ocean. For a unique place to live and build, players can do much worse than this.

3) Seed: 8128914698709172964

This seed spawns players near a Woodland Mansion in a Dark Oak Forest. The Mansion is found near coordinates: (196, 68, -11919). Near that, players can also find a structure that is arguably rarer than a Woodland Mansion: a stronghold. The stronghold is found at coordinates: (140, 10, -11887).

2) Seed: 89276354

Lush Cave (Image via Minecraft Wiki)

One of the best parts of the 1.18 update is that Mojang made seeds universal across Bedrock and Java. They will spawn a little differently, but they'll be usable on both. It also added lush caves, one of which can be found in this seed at these coordinates: (-18,16,54). The spawn biome is a Dark Oak Forest, too.

1) Seed: 92182

Woodland Mansion (Image via Minecraft Wiki)

Woodland Mansions spawn in the Dark Oak Forest, so if a player is lucky enough to find a seed with one right near spawn, they've hit the jackpot. Woodland Mansions are far less common than dark oak forests, but there can be no mansion without the forest.

This is a great seed for those seeking a Dark Oak Forest, and it also contains incredible loot. This is easily one of the best seeds available right now.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.

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