Cameron Diaz Diet Plan

Publish date: 2024-06-27

Teddy Bass designed an equally good diet as her workoutAccording to Teddy Bass’ diet plan, Cameron is required to eat 6 times a day. This helps her not to become anorexic, just like some of the other famous celebrities. Cameron Diaz follows ‘no white’ diet plan. It means that white sugar, white rice, white flour, potatoes, and things made from white flour like bread, cakes, pasta, noodles, etc. is avoided by her. Cameron Diaz, when she was 38 said to US Magazine

“I used to eat fried food from morning to night when I was in my 20s. But I have really had to make some changes. I love fried chicken and french fries. I can’t do that anymore.”

She starts her day with protein rich diet. As she is nearing 40s, so, she has to watch her diet closely. She eats right and maintains her body weight.

Cameron Diaz diet plan is as follows.


Morning Snack


Afternoon Snack


After Dinner

In addition to the above mentioned food, she regularly drinks water also, which is the most important part of our food.
