How to level up fast in Fortnite ranked mode: A comprehensive guide

Publish date: 2024-06-22

Fortnite Ranked Mode has gained popularity since its release. The game mode was out with the v24.40 update on May 17, and many players have appreciated it. Despite being in its early phase, the mode works well. Since players can earn free cosmetic items from it, many are trying to rank up and complete special quests to add extra items to their locker.

However, ranking up can be challenging for casual players. Others who are used to competitive modes tend to reach the Unreal (maximum) rank faster.

This article will explain how you can level up quickly in Fortnite's Ranked Mode. Additionally, we explain the formula Epic Games uses for ranks and how you can use it to your advantage.

Fortnite ranked mode requires you to survive but play aggressively towards the end

Leveling up in the Fortnite Ranked Mode is not too difficult (Image via Epic Games)

The Fortnite Ranked Mode has a relatively simple formula that Epic Games uses to rank up players. Three important factors come into the equation, as mentioned below:

The first factor is straightforward. The higher you place, the faster your rank will increase. If you manage to get a victory while playing the Ranked Mode, you will also earn bonus points.

Eliminations are also important for the Fortnite Ranked Mode (Image via Epic Games)

Eliminations are also important, but getting them late in the game is more crucial than in the early stages of the game. Additionally, you earn bonus points for eliminating higher-ranked opponents.

It's also important to note that teams will be treated as a single unit. This means that all team members will gain or lose progress according to the team placement and eliminations. Due to this, every member of the squad will gain progress equally.

It is important to add that matchmaking will be based on the highest-ranked member of the team. This means that lower-ranked players can eliminate higher-ranked players and gain extra points.

Fortnite Ranked Mode is available in both Battle Royale and Zero Build modes (Image via Epic Games)

The easiest way to rank up is to play passively at the start of every game. Avoid hot spots and early fights at all costs since early-match eliminations are not worth a lot.

Once you survive to the top 15 or 10, start playing aggressively and look for eliminations. Even if you do get an elimination but die in-game shortly after, you will receive a lot of bonus points that will help you rank up.

Reaching the Unreal rank is not as difficult as many players believe. In fact, a player reached the maximum rank in the game mode in less than seven hours.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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