Kate Upton dances the Cat Daddy for Terry Richardson: creepy or cute?

Publish date: 2024-06-12

As many of you know, I’m a Kate Upton Defender. The girl is only 19 years old, and she strikes me as a sweet, silly, uncomplicated kind of young woman who is often mocked, derided or Mean Girl’d by people within the fashion industry. She’s pretty and blonde and she has big boobs – it’s not a crime, y’all. Her “look” is not “high fashion.” It doesn’t have to be. So, keeping in mind that I’m an Upton Defender, I’m not sure I can defend this – Kate did another photo shoot with creeper Terry Richardson. She already did a photo shoot with Terry for Harper’s Bazaar, and yesterday he released these photos of Upton taken in his studio – I’m assuming they’re very recent. The images are classic Uncle Terry – lots of tousled hair, cleavage and a general vibe and styling of a low-rent p0rn. Gross.

But the photo shoot was taken to another level when Terry uploaded a video of Kate dancing the “Cat Daddy” in his studio. You should BEWARE of this video – while there’s nothing actually obscene or NSFW in the video, there is a whole lot of jiggle and you might be hypnotized by Kate’s rack. I was.

Is this gross? Or is it just Kate being Kate? She’s a silly, fun girl and she obviously loves to dance and she doesn’t care if someone is filming her dance, even when she’s wearing little more than boob band-aids. One of her main claims to fame is the video where she dances “the Dougie”.

See? Same silly dancing. That’s her “thing”. So is it just gross this time because she’s in a tiny bikini? Or because you know Terry Richardson is behind the camera?

Photos courtesy of Terry’s Diary.
