SNL producer's fortune explored as she leaves show after 20 years

Publish date: 2024-06-17

Saturday Night Live producer Lindsay Shookus is exiting the show after contributing to it for 20 years.

Other cast members including Pete Davidson and Kate McKinnon have also left the show this year. Shookus is making her exit at a time when she was reportedly about to get promoted. Shookus has been a part of the show for a long time and has been a recipient of six Emmy Awards. A source for Page Six revealed:

“Lindsay has been at the show for 20 years, she’s been a producer since 2012. They’re shaking things up. She was offered another job on the show, but she decided to move on.”

Following her exit from SNL, Shookus announced on Instagram that she has decided to trade in the wild late-night life and move on from the show.

Lindsay Shookus has earned most of her wealth as a TV producer

Lindsay Shookus is mostly known as the producer of Saturday Night Live and has been nominated for 10 Emmy Awards. She has also been an associate producer on 30 Rock.

According to online sources, the 42-year-old’s net worth is estimated to be somewhere between $2 to $5 million. Detailed information on her assets is currently unavailable, but she has earned a lot from her career as a television producer.

Lindsay Shookus has accumulated a lot of wealth from her work as a television producer (Image via Bauer-Griffin/Getty Images)

Lindsay’s father Robert was the owner of a manufacturers representative business and her mother Christine was a pharmaceutical sales representative. Her siblings include an older brother and a younger sister.

Lindsay enrolled in Williamsville South High School and was the president of her junior and senior high school classes.

Shookus then joined the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1998 and finished her graduation in journalism in 2002. She then joined Saturday Night Live as an assistant to Marci Klein. Lindsay eventually became SNL’s associate producer and produced 45 episodes of the satirical sitcom 30 Rock from 2008 to 2010.

Lindsay Shookus then joined as the co-producer for SNL in 2010 and a producer in 2012. She also had the responsibility to finalize the hosts and invite the guests alongside choosing the cast members.

She then hosted a networking event called Women Work F***ing Hard in New York with her friend Kristin O’Keeffe Merrick. The event encouraged female entrepreneurs to become successful in business by helping each other.

Shookus later gained recognition for her long-distance relationship with actor Ben Affleck from 2017 to 2018. They dated again in 2019 and Affleck has also been the host of SNL five times since 2000.

Prior to that, she had tied the knot with producer Kevin Miller in 2010 and welcomed a daughter, Madeline, in 2013. The pair split in 2014.

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