Who is Makayla Perkins? Everything about Arizona reporter who blasted Patrick Mahomes

Publish date: 2024-06-25

Makayla Perkins is getting much attention lately after her response to Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

The two-time Super Bowl champion and NFL Most Valuable Player had tweeted:

“KC coyotes has a nice ring to it! @NHL what y’all think? @tmobilecenter”

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The Coyotes franchise has been based in Arizona since 1996. They transferred from Winnipeg to The Grand Canyon State, taking the name Phoenix Coyotes. They switched to Arizona Coyotes in 2014 and played their home games at Mullett Arena in Tempe, Arizona.

Patrick Mahomes would love the Coyotes to transfer to Kansas City after a Tempe referendum rejected public funding for a new $2.1 billion stadium. Mahomes has business interests with the Kansas City Royals, Sporting Kansas City, Kansas City Current and a Miami-based professional pickleball team.

However, Perkins responded to the All-Pro quarterback’s post:

“Maybe you should focus on keeping your little brother out of jail and less on our NHL team”

Why did Makayla Perkins respond this way? That's because she's the director of social media for Phoenix Sports.

She was promoted in January 2023 after serving as social media manager since September 2021. Apart from supervising the creation of graphics and videos, she's also in charge of GoPhnx.com’s social media strategy.

Before her role at Phoenix Sports, she was the social media manager for Denver Sports from June 2020 to 2021. Perkins also worked as social media specialist for Bally Sports Arizona from May 2019 to June 2020.

The Arizona State alumna started her sports journalism career as a Live Event Production Crew for Pac-12 Networks. She became a Sports Broadcast Intern for NBC’s Phoenix affiliate, KPNX-TV, from August 2018 to May 2019.

Perkins also worked as basketball communications assistant for the Phoenix Mercury from April 2017 to June 2020. She also lent her talents to the Arizona Diamondbacks as digital content production assistant from February 2018 to June 2020.

Aside from working off-camera, she became the Sports Update Anchor for KTAR News from January 2019 to June 2020. She also worked as an in-game production crew for Arizona State University Athletics and as director of the ASU baseball in-game show for 18 months.

Patrick Mahomes receives backlash for tolerating brother Jackson's actions

Patrick Mahomes' silence regarding Jackson's troubles is deafening. He hasn't publicly addressed the issue even if he and his wife, Brittany, has been all over the place this month.

Aside from attending the 2023 Met Gala, they also graced the Kentucky Derby and the Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix. Meanwhile, social media users aren't taking Patrick Mahomes' approach lightly.

Jackson Mahomes’ recent controversy involves forcibly kissing the owner of Kansas City restaurant Aspen’s. He was arrested for that action but was released on a $100,000 bond. He's charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and three counts of aggravated sexual battery.

The once-redacted affidavit revealed that Jackson sexually assaulted the female owner thrice. He also physically assaulted a crew member who tried to retrieve his water bottle inside the room.

Patrick Mahomes’ brother pushed the crew member and bragged that he should not warn him twice about not going in. NFL fans trolled Jackson when he appeared in court for these charges.

Jackson was recently allowed to contact identified witnesses. He was initially prohibited from doing so. While on bond, he cannot consume alcoholic beverages and will be subject to drug testing.

As he faced these charges, Randi Mahomes, his mother, tried to cheer him up with a birthday greeting.

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